Bay City Public Schools
Client | Bay City Public Schools,
Bay City, Michigan
Info | Additions and Renovations
WTA Architects was hired to perform an extensive facilities study of all the school district buildings for Bay City Public Schools. The result was a $70 million bond program for the school district.
Additions and renovations included work at the following schools:
Central High School
Western Junior-Senior High School
Handy Middle School
Kolb Elementary
Linsday Elementary
MacGregor Elementary
Mackensen Elementary
McAlear-Sawden Elementary
Washington Elementary
The schools received various upgrades, while Central High School and Handy Middle underwent extensive historic preservation that addressed the entire buildings, system upgrades, and new windows. Ultimately, 40,900 square feet of new space and 990,000 square feet of renovated space was provided to the school district.

CAM Magazine, Best Project Team
2010 Michigan Historic Preservation Network Honor Award for Central High School Restoration